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Join Forager Kelsey for an afternoon of harvesting seaweed and foraging other tide pool creatures. We'll review best practices, the types of seaweed you'll find, how to process them, and how to use your new ingredients at home. At the end, we share a snack using seaweed.


Join Forager Kelsey for an afternoon of harvesting seaweed and foraging other tide pool creatures. We'll review best practices, the types of seaweed you'll find, how to process them, and how to use your new ingredients at home. At the end, we share a snack using seaweed.


Plan to bring kitchen or garden scissors, a bag or bucket for your seaweed (You can harvest up to 10lbs.), and an appetite.


Note: Participants must have a fishing license from the California Department of Fishing and Wildlife. A day pass is $17.54 for in-state residence. You must carry your signed license on you while harvesting. 

July Seaforaging in Sonoma: Seaweed

SKU: excursion_sw_july
  • This is a 2-hour course. Plan for about one and half of harvesting for seaweed and a half hour of a culinary demonstration. 

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